

A Bilingual Immersion Approach to English Teaching at a Primary Level in Korea


Euen Hyuk (Sarah) Jung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, the practice of beginning English language instruction at an early age has received considerable attention in the ELT field. Korea is no exception. There has been a growing recognition that it is desirable for young children to start to learn English at school in Korea. In this vein, some researchers argue for adopting the immersion model to teach English, while
others are rather critical of its implementation. The topic of immersion is a controversial issue in Korea, which is worthy of serious consideration. As immersion programs are increasingly being implemented in international settings, it is important to explore the theoretical and practical aspects of the immersion model. This paper, therefore, aims to explore the possibility of an
immersion approach to English teaching in Korea. More specifically, this paper intends to discuss the benefits of early bilingual education and to propose an immersion approach to teaching English at the elementary level in Korea. First, the paper examines various definitions and types of bilingualism. Second, the positive effects of early bilingualism are discussed in terms of learners"f cognitive, metalinguistic, and sociocultural development. Third, different types of bilingual education programs are examined. Fourth, rationales and empirical support are offered for adopting the immersion model. Lastly, practical considerations are provided to implement the immersion model at elementary schools in Korea.


 1. Introduction
 2. Definitions and Types of Bilingualism
 3. Effects of Early Bilingualism on the Cognitive,Metalinguistic, and Sociocultural aspects
  3.1 Cognitive Development
  3.2 Metalinguistic Awareness
  3.3 Sociocultural Aspects
 4. Bilingual Education
  4.1 Types of Bilingual Education Programs
  4.2 Rationales for Bilingual Immersion Programs
  4.3 Empirical Support for Bilingual Immersion Programs
 5. Practical Considerations for the Implementation ofBilingual Immersion Programs
 6. Conclusion


  • Euen Hyuk (Sarah) Jung Yonsei University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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