A Comparative Study on the Carbon-dioxide Emission of the Han-Ok and the single family housing and apartment
Han-ok has been reflected from the tradition, culture and socio-economic living style for a long time. Recently, this has been accentuated on the advantages in aspect of the sustainable society to make up the natural conservation. In addition, it has already been absorbed into the living style in floor plan in terms of behavioral style.
Similar to conventional building, Han-ok has a life cycle in construction, maintenance and demolition. During the lifecycle, it requires of many material and components, energy and other resources, which resulted in environmental effect such as global warming, ozone depletion and so on. Many people recognize the advantages of Han-ok with qualitative points without any
quantitative assessment. In this study, it aimed at comparing Han-ok with the single family housing and apartment in terms of the carbon-dioxide emission and energy consumption. Consequently, Han-ok required much more energy and carbon emission than other compared buildings, which are about 3 times higher than single family housing because the roof material uses much energy and emits carbon-dioxide. Therefore, Han-ok needs to be improved the main characteristic components into the environmental friendly.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 방법 및 내용
1.3 연구의 범위
2. 분석대상 건축물 개요
2.1 한옥
2.2 단독주택
2.3 공동주택
3. 한옥 분석결과
3.1 건물A
3.2 건물B
3.3 요약
4. 단독주택 분석결과
4.1 건축공사
4.2 기계설비공사
4.3 전기설비공사
5. 공동주택 기존 사례분석결과
6. 결론 및 앞으로의 연구과제