A Study on the Decision Process of Dimension in Eaves Part on Main Buddhist Halls
Eaves in traditional Korean architecture plays the functional and symbolic roles in creating the appearance of building.
Therefore, the length and angle of the eaves vary depending on the scales, characters and structures of building and it is considered that several factors may have influence on deciding the value of eaves.
However, objectified construction-rule or laws on the eaves have passed the study on a simple correlation or structure rather than design of empirical research had been mainstreamed at the time.
In this study approached the architectural design for estimating the dimensions in eaves on main Buddist halls, and examined the process that clarify determination of dimensions in eaves, using statistical analysis based on the measured data.
As for this conclusion : Firstly, the dimension of eaves part is closely related to sectional element. Also estimation of dimension model can be set by based on this.
Secondly, the ratio of Jang-yeun's('왊) and Bu-yeun's(왊) protrusion length 0.78:0.22 was most prequently and common.
Finally, dimensions of the eaves part are decided in sequence by side length of the building - to the ends of the eaves from the center of side length of the building - the framework of whole outline, the height of the entire structure. And the detail dimensions like height of column or Gong-po(.) can be flexibly adjusted.
1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구 대상 및 방법
2. 기존 연구의 고찰
2.1 기존 연구의 경향
2.2 용어의 정의
3. 대상 불전의 일반적 고찰
3.1 대상 불전의 일반적 특징
3.2. 대상 불전의 처마부 특징
4. 요소의 분석
4.1 상관분석
4.2 변수의 회귀분석
5. 결론