A Study on Architectural Changes of Ssangbongsa Temple's Daeung-Jeon
The results of studying architectural changes of Ssangbongsa Temple's Daeung-Jeon are as follows. First, it was judged that stupa of small scale and wooden pagoda is supported by the pillars of Four Devas, core pillar is aboveground core pillar method supporting the top of pagoda and it was developed to plane type to accept the Buddhist ideas of Zen sect. Second, according to "wDonggukyeojiji, Vol. 5"x recorded in the period of King Hyunjong of the Yi Dynasty (1660~1674), it has possibility that the Ssangbongsa Temple's Daeung-Jeon before destruction by fire in 1984 was rebuilt in 1628 not in 1690. Third, as a result of Jangdae-Seok stylobate, chronicle of stonework on the back and excavation survey in 1984, it was found in light of discovery of the past stylobate Brick without a pattern underground that wooden pagoda built earlier than 1628 existed.
Fourth, as a result of considering four corner stones which are inconsistent with the thickness of flat stone laid on another stone of stylobate used for the Ssangbongsa Temple's Daeung-Jeon, different shapes of arched support cornerstone and frequent repair after rebuilding in 1628, it was assumed that arched support was not found in its youth, but was installed in the process of repair. It was also judged that the third floor roof was repaired in 1724 in that difference between eaves curve of the third floor hipped-and-gable roof of the Ssangbongsa Temple's Daeung-Jeon
and those of the first and second roofs, storage of ridge beam pattern in ridge pole and core pillar was installed in the inside of main building as recorded in "wJoseon Gojeokbodo"x. Fifth, the trace of Ha-ang (down pointing cantilever) applying the principle of lever to Gongpo type of
the Ssangbongsa Temple's Daeung-Jeon compared to Gongpo of the Hwaamsa temple's Gukrak-Jeon was observed. And handrail was confirmed as Ham in the poem of Kim Geuk Gi, writer of the Goryo period from"wSinjeungdonggukyeojiseungnam, vol.40"x and there was handrail in the Ssangbongsa Temple's Daeung-Jeon earlier, but it might be decorative installation. This research is based on related literatures and materials on the Ssangbongsa Temple's Daeung-Jeon and it is expected that further researches on wooden pagodas built in the end of Unified Silla and the beginning of Goryo will be performed on the basis of more literature surveys and records.
1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
1.3 선행연구 고찰
2. 쌍봉사대웅전의 조영
2.1 선종불교와 목탑의 조영
2.2 쌍봉사의 연혁 고찰
2.3 쌍봉사대웅전의 조영시기 추정
3. 쌍봉사대웅전의 건축 변화
3.1 기단
3.2 활주
3.3 처마와 지붕
3.4 체감(遞減)
3.5 난간(欄干)
4. 결론