

중국보험법의 주요 개정내용과 그 시사점




한중법학회 중국법연구 제13집 2010.06 pp.137-162
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The insurance contract law has experienced important changes in many countries worldwide. The issue concerning the duty to disclose in the insurance law holds an important position in these changes. Recently, Chinese Insurance Law has greatly been revised, and in particular, it has achieved the modernization of the duty to disclose. The changed system about the duty of disclosure is as follows: China has changed to the duty of voluntary disclosure, so that the prospective policyholder has a duty to answer the insurer"fs questions. This means Chinese Insurance Law makes a noticeable progressive in protection of policyholder.
The Korean insurance industry has developed to a remarkable degree but Korean insurance contract law did not be updated since Dec. 31, 1991. So in order to cope with fundamental changes in the insurance environment, Korean insurance contract law should be revised in view of recent modernization of insurance law such as China, Germany, and Japan. The writer thinks that this work of revision has to be based on the comparative legal research.
This paper aims at studying on the reform of the Chinese insurance law 2009, and the writer offers the proposals to Korean insurance contract law
reform on the duty of disclosure system.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 중국보험법의 연혁
  1. <중화인민공화국 보험법>의 제정 (1995년)
  2. 제1차 개정 (2002년)
  3. 제2차 개정 (2009년)
 Ⅲ. 2009년 중국보험법의 주요 특징
  1. 법체계상의 특징
  2. 보험 및 보험계약의 정의
  3. 보험계약자와 피보험자에 대한 보호 강화
  4. 보험계약자와 피보험자의 고지의무(답변의무)
  5. 보험목적의 양도
 Ⅳ. 우리 법에의 시사점
  1. 선진적 보험법제 구축을 위한 상법 제4편(보험편) 개정의 필요성
  2. 보험계약자 보호의 측면에서
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  • 박은경 Eun-Gyoung Park. 경성대학교 법정대학 법학과 교수, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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