

네일아트재료의 중금속 함량 분석


Detecting Heavy Metals in Cosmetic Materials-focusing on Nail Care Products

이지영, 이희성, 장문정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The study is to analyze the elements in nail art materials that were considered just as ‘aesthetic tools’ and find which ingredients are harmful and safe in nail art and nail accessories. Because there is not much restriction or safety information for nail art materials nowadays, this study focused on detecting heavy metals that are considered as the major harmful properties based on standards of textile ingredients. Method for Determination of Extractable Heavy Metal was followed. After liquid samples were extracted by analysis samples based on the testing method guidelines, contents of Chrome in liquid extracts were determined using UV/VIS spectrophotometer and contents of extractable heavy metal remains were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer(ICP). The test results based on detecting toxic heavy metals in elements of various nail art materials and accessories are as follows. A tremendous amount of lead (Pb) was detected in all the samples, antimony (Sb) was detected in almost all the samples excluding one, D-2, cadmium (Cb) was detected in 11 of the samples and cobalt (Co), arsenic (As), tin (Sn) were detected in 10 samples, respectively. Barium (Ba) was detected in D-17 (330 ppm) and D-15 (11.1 ppm) both, and selenium (Se) was only detected in D-6 (361 ppm). All in all, the study found that materials in nail art included heavy metals and they were detected in an orderly manner: lead (Pb) > antimony (Sb) > cadmium (Cd) > cobalt (Co) > arsenic (As) > tin (Sn) > nickel (Ni) > chrome (Cr). The study found that all samples containing line stone designs have many kinds of heavy metals but orange-colored line stones (dangle D-9) are relatively safe besides lead detection.
Since a huge amount of lead was detected in line stones which are the most popular materials in nail art, it needs attention when being used. Although it is a small amount, in prolonged exposure, materials containing line stones should be used carefully. Due to their dangerousness, lead, cadmium, chrome, arsenic and mercury have been noticed as subjects of restriction. All of them excluding mercury were detected in nail art materials. The detected amount of chrome and arsenic was below the safety limits, but the amount of lead, cadmium, and tin exceeded considerably. Especially, extra attention is need when detecting lead.


  1. 시약
  2. 기기 및 장치
  3. 시료 채취
  4. 시료 전처리
 검정곡선의 작성
  1. 크롬(VI)의 검정곡선 작성
  2. 다른 중금속(크롬(VI)을 제외한)의 검정곡선 작성
 결과 및 고찰
  1. 납(Pb)
  2. 카드뮴(Cd)
  4. 안티몬(Sb)
  5. 니켈(Ni)
  6. 비소(As)
  7. 주석(Sn)
  8. 크롬(Cr)


  • 이지영 Lee, Ji Young. 대전보건대학 피부미용과
  • 이희성 Lee, Hui Seong. 한서대학교 피부미용과
  • 장문정 Chang, Moon Jung. 대전보건대학 피부미용과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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