


경주시 공원ㆍ녹지 및 조경에 관한 고찰


A Study on The Urban Park and Open Space and Landscape Architecture in Gyeongju City


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Surrounded with neighboring mountains, fields and rivers, Gyeongju city has a beautiful landscape. Namcheon, Bukcheon and Seocheon are 3 major streams flowing across its downtown, playing a critical role in forming townscape of Gyeongju city. And they also contribute much to creating pleasant urban environment and improving city images. The results of survey on actual profile of Gyeongju's parkland areas and landscape architecture as well as possible directions of improvement can be outlined as follows: 1. The area of Hwangseong Park should be extended and maintained with its well-conserved forest zone so as to build it as a pleasant resting site for citizens. 2. For the boulevards in urban district, seasonal beautiful native shrubs and trees should be planted and well maintained. 3. Remnant urban spaces should be also established as open space in harmony with urbanscape. 4. Gyeongju's 3 major streams, Namcheon, Bukcheon and Seocheon should be well maintained to make water flow all the time and interconnected with one another for creating eco-friendly urban streams. 5. The watersides of Seocheon Stream should be developed environment-friendly in diversified ways with municipal facilities for citizens. 6. Geumjangdae around Yegi-Cheongso area should be restored to its native conditions, while citizens or visitors can enjoy boating in river. 7. Lagerstroemia indica Linnaeus, a tree growing on the cliff of Geumjangdae, should be well protected for better and healthier growth. 8. Dragon-like lamps should be installed on the roadside of Seocheon in vicinity of Janggun-gyo Bridge, and lotus images should be sculpted on the surface of bridge by means of supergraphics for better quality of night view.


 Ⅰ. 서 론
 Ⅱ. 도시에서의 공원ㆍ녹지ㆍ조경의 역할
  1. 공원ㆍ녹지의 개념과 역할
  2. 조경의 개념과 역할
 Ⅲ. 경주시 공원ㆍ녹지ㆍ조경의 현황
  1. 공원 현황
  2. 녹지현황
  3. 조경현황
  4. 경주시의 공원ㆍ녹지ㆍ조경 관련부서
 Ⅳ. 경주시 공원ㆍ녹지ㆍ조경에 대한 제언
  1. 공원에 대한 제언
  2. 녹지에 대한 제언
  3. 조경에 대한 고찰
  4. 경주시의 공원ㆍ녹지 및 조경 담당부서에 대한 제언
 Ⅴ. 결 론


  • 최재영 Choi, Jai-Young. 경주대학교 환경조경학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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