A Study on Gyeongju's Parts of an Automobile Manufacturers Using Financial Capability Analysis
The purpose of this thesis, is to analyze on the Gyeongju's Parts of an automobile Manufacturers providers' financial structure and restructuring of profit model, that are needed due to the current development of Information Systems. The new improved business model is to be attained with the use of financial ratios and analyzing the current business management environment. From the research, it shows that Gyeongju's Parts of an automobile Manufacturers leverage index is satisfactory compared with other Parts of an automobile Manufacturers providers, but liquidity ratio has resulted to be less than 43% of the maximum value. Profitability index is mostly high compared with overseas telecom providers, but growth index have decrease significantly. Lastly, as for activity ratios, Gyeongju's Parts of an automobile Manufacturers value of turnover ratio of total asset is normal compared with the other Parts of an automobile Manufacturers providers, but the value of turnover of net worth is unsatisfactory. The result of this research may be used as a tool for the Gyeongju's Parts of an automobile Manufacturers providers to be aware of their current status, and build a countermeasure for the rapidly changing Parts of an automobile Manufacturers industry's management environment.
Ⅰ. 연구의 목적 및 배경
Ⅱ. 자동차부품산업 현황
Ⅲ. 경주지역 자동차부품산업의 경쟁력 현황
1. 중층적 전문 계열화 체제 미흡
2. 기술수준의 낙후
3. 경영수준 낙후
4. 지역업체의 기업경영애로요인
5. 경주지역의 산업경기 및 부품산업경쟁력 제고방안
Ⅳ. 경주지역 자동차부품기업 경영진단 사례
1. 재무분석 목적 및 방법
2. 재무현황 분석
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제안