


경주시 문화예술의 현황과 과제


Present Situation and Task of Cultures & Arts in Gyeongju City

이상덕, 임배근

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Although Gyeongju city expects the big improvement of local economy by attracting the nuclear waste facility and its public organizations, the most important thing is that how we can settle the incoming people down into Gyeongju. And it is also important to improve the level of cultural arts and accessibility in order to correspond to the goal of local government. Especially Gyeongju aims at the international historic and cultural city. So it has a lot of cultural art groups and various activities and programs compared to other cities. But the local cultural art improvement does not depend on the numbers of exhibitive festivals and cultural art activities and programs needing big money. Great numbers of concerned groups, activities of similar contents and simple financial support can be a serious fact which will lose the local cultural identity and its competitive power. The circle of cultural art in Gyeongju can not be excluded. This study will present the current situation and problem of cultures & arts in Gyeongju city and some task for its improvement.


 Ⅰ. 서언
 Ⅱ. 지역문화의 구성요소와 성격
  1. 지역문화의 구성요소
  2. 지역문화의 성격
 Ⅲ. 경주시 문화예술 현황
  1. 문화예술 행정 조직
  2. 문화예술 예산규모
  3. 경상북도 문화예술진흥기금의 지원
  4. 경주시 주최 문화예술 행사
  5. 경주시 문화예술단체 지원현황
  6. 경주시 문화예술행사 지원현황
 Ⅳ. 경주시의 문화예술 진흥과 보전 관련 정책방향(2006년)
  1. 문화예술의 전승 보전
  2. 상설공연의 내실화
  4. 경주시 문화예술회관 건립
 Ⅴ. 경주시 문화예술정책의 과제
  1. 정량적 평가기준 및 경쟁적 축제 만들기의 지양
  2. 단체 간 협력(co-working) 제고
  3. 전국 브랜드화 및 고객 유인력 강화
  4. 국제적 문화예술인 행사의 유치
  5. 창작력 고취를 위한 동기유발
  6. 자생적 확대재생산을 위한 신규수요의 창출
  7. 재원 마련 위한 문화재단의 설립
  8. 문화예술 관련 정보의 공시 및 홍보 확대
  9. 행사에 대한 모니터링 및 평가 강화
  10. 문화예술 전문가의 행정인력으로 활용
  11. 청소년 문화예술 지원의 확대
 Ⅶ. 결론
 참 고 문 헌


  • 이상덕 Lee, Sang-Deok. 서라벌대학 창업경영과 교수
  • 임배근 Im, Bae-Geun. 동국대학교 경영ㆍ관광대학 경제학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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