A Promotion of Medicinal Herbs Production through Good Agricultural Practice(GAP) in Gyeongju
While users of herbal formulae have been disappointed with the lack of uniformity in the quality of herbs provided by the herb suppliers of different standings, they do not have better guarantee apart from relying on the more reputable ones. The tradition of identifying special geographic sites as being specific for the supply of certain herbal items is no longer reliable since the high demand for large quantities of quality supply would have drained any traditional supply dry. Consumers have been requiring more higher level of food and agricultural products. The system of Good Agricultural Practice(GAP) has been spreaded over the world. Korea also introduced the GAP system is prerequisite to secure good safety. There is good prospect of an excellent supply of quality herbal products with uniformity, if GAP could be enforced. The substantiation of GAP will be a great blessing for both the manufacturers and consumers of herbal products. This study reviewed the concept of GAP and necessities and backgrounds of introducing the GAP system. Also, this study analyzed the problems which have been appeared in the GAP program and proposed the policy strategies and directions for the Oriental medicine GAP system.
I. 서론
Ⅱ. 우수농산물품질관리제도(GAP) 현황
1. 추진배경
2. 인증절차
3. 사후관리
Ⅲ. 약용작물 생산의 문제점과 품질관리
1. 약용작물 생산의 문제점
2. GAP를 통한 약용작물 품질관리
Ⅳ. 경주지역 약용작물 생산 활성화
1. 우수농산물품질관리제도(GAP) 홍보 및 교육체계 구축
2. 그린투어리즘과 연계한 우수농산물품질관리제도(GAP) 시행
3. 무선전파인식(RFID)를 통한 이력추적시스템 구축
Ⅴ. 결론