

경주시 지역복지정책의 발전전략과 과제에 관한 연구


The study on the tasks and strategies of improvement for the social welfare policy of Gyeongju city.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is mainly focused on proposing the tasks and strategies of improvement for the social welfare policy of Gyeongju city. Social welfare policy in local government is a social system for within the local government guarantees the life and living of the citizen in order to survive and exist in the society. Social welfare policy is designed and established to provide a broad array of services to meet the needs of residents. According to this study, social welfare policy in Gyeongju has many problems and task of improvement. Therefore, it would be important to understand how changes and improvements are made in the law, administration, finance, manpower, and service delivery systems, and programs of the social welfare policy in line with the local decentralization. Finally, local government of Gyeongju will have to be develop and drive forward social welfare policy that is corresponded with the needs of residents and local property.


 I. 서론
 II. 지방분권화의 사회복지정책 파급효과
  1. 지방분권의 사회복지정책 긍정적 파급효과
  2. 지방분권의 사회복지정책 부정적 파급효과
 III. 지방자치단체의 정책체계에 대한 분석모델
 IV. 경주시 사회복지정책에 관한 담당 인력의 인식 분석
  1. 경주시의 복지수준
  2. 정책성과로서 경주시가 가장 잘 수행한 복지정책 분야
  3. 경주시의 가장 큰 사회복지문제
  4. 경주시가 우선적으로 해결할 사회복지 과제
  5. 경주시 사회복지 활성화를 위해 경주시장으로서 시급히 해결해야 할 과제
  6. 경주시 사회복지 발전방안
 V. 경주시 지역복지정책의 발전전략과 과제
  1. 지역복지정책 결정시스템의 발전전략과 과제
  2. 지역복지정책 제도시스템의 발전전략과 과제
  3. 지역복지정책 집행시스템의 발전전략과 과제
  4. 지역복지 예산시스템의 발전전략과 과제
  5. 경주시 분야별 지역복지정책의 과제
 VI. 맺음말


  • 박경일 Park, Kyung-Il. 동국대학교 사회복지학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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