A Study on the Some Practical Strategies for the Downtown Revitalization of Gyeongju City
This study aims to propose some practical strategies for the downtown revitalization of Gyeongju city. To accomplish this research objective this study reviews and examines previous researches considering issues about downtown revitalization. In addition this study scrutinizes major public plans for the city of Gyeongju such as, 2020 Urban Master Plan, Master Plan for the Establishment of Gyeongju Historical and Cultural City and etc. Based on the findings from these research analyses this study propose some political considerations and three strategical approaches for the enhancement of the downtown revitalization efforts of the Gyeongju city.
I. 서론
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구의 방법 및 범위
II. 도심의 기능과 역할
1. 도심의 기능과 역할
2. 도심의 공간적 특징
3. 도심쇠퇴의 의미
4. 도심활성화의 필요성
III. 도심활성화 사례연구
1. 국외사례
2. 국내사례
IV. 경주시 도심의 현황 및 문제점
1. 경주시 도심의 현황
2. 경주시 도심의 문제점
V. 경주시 도심활성화를 위한 제언