


抗戰 前 全國經濟委員會 公路處의 도로교통사업


항전 전 전국경제위원회 공로처의 도로교통사업


전북사학회 전북사학 제36호 2010.04 pp.217-250
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



China is a country with well developed road traffic from old times. however, the government stressed importance on railroads and steamships after Qing Dynasty relatively neglecting the road traffic. The fact that there was no department exclusively in charge of road construction even until the early stage of the Nationalist Government's establishment shows the underestimation on road traffic in China. In 1931, Department of Road was place in the preparatory office and the road construction business was managed extensively according to the agreement between U.S. federal government to cooperate with the road construction. Such movements triggered the eventual establishment of an organization exclusively in charge of road construction oriented by central government level. It is said that the range included in road traffic is very wide. Besides the construction of roads and proposal of transportation business, research and development for vehicle and fuel as well as cultivation of technical manpower are the areas that cannot be underestimated for the development of road traffic. Nonetheless, the vehicles and fuel that were demanded in China were all imported from foreign countries causing immense damage on the national economy while working as a factor to hinder the development of the road traffic. In this extent, Department of Road Construction made great efforts to prevent financial leakage from the country and to supply the vehicles and fuel needed internally. Owing to the constant effort and research, there was an impressive progress to develop the vehicle that used steam for prime power; however, it was not practicable and caused a failure to achieve a certain level of self-sustainable capacity. Thanks to the efforts made by Department of Road Construction, the construction of the roads to be connected between each castles were completed. Meanwhile, the effect of the road operation gradually gained the public attention through the government's active proposal.


I. 머리말
 II. 직권과 초기성과
 III. 서북공로의 건설과 운영
 IV. 교통운수 상관사업의 추진
 V. 맺음말


  • 김영신 Young-Sin Kim. 원광대학교 인문학부 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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