

전원마을조성사업의 성과와 개선방안 연구


A Study on Results and Improvement Method of Advanced Rural Village Development Project

정종술, 김강섭, 강병환, 이상정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The advanced rural village development project started in 2005, and this project of purpose is improvement of housing environment and promotion of region activation. Researcher investigated about the advanced rural village development project of nine complex through field survey. The aim of this study is to be offered data of idyllic housing policy by examination actual conditions of study subject. Based on this study, mainly three results can be drawn as follows ; first, this project makes a great contributed to flow in population from urban to activate rural areas. Second, the project success depends on improvement an institution and planed, timely approach. Third, central government must plan network system with rural development project in political, and must support local government into political frame. The local government must consider a regional housing plan overall and must make an effort itself for the project success.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법 및 내용
 2. 전원마을조성사업의 개요
  2.1 전원마을조성사업의 추진 목표 및 유형
  2.2 전원마을조성사업의 근거법령 및 개요
  2.3 전원마을조성사업의 추진 현황
  2.4 전원마을조성사업의 전망
 3. 마을의 특성 및 실태
  3.1 경남지역
  3.2 충북 제천지역
  3.3 충남 서천 산너울마을
  3.4 전북 진안 새울터마을
 4. 전원마을조성사업의 성과 및 개선방안
  4.1 사업성과
  4.2 개선방안
 5. 결론
 참고 문헌


  • 정종술 Jeong, Jong-Sool. 정회원, 우연종합건설(주) 대표, 경상대학교 박사과정 수료
  • 김강섭 Kim, Kang-Sub. 정회원, 농어촌연구원 주임연구원, 공학박사
  • 강병환 Kang, Byung-Hwan. 정회원, (주)흥한주택 부장, 경상대학교 박사과정 수료
  • 이상정 Lee, Sang-Jung. 정회원, 경상대학교 건축학부 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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