

남양주 궁집의 공간계획 및 의장특성


The Space Plan and Design Characteristic for the Gungjip in Namyangju


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to analyze the space plan and design charateristic of the Gungiip(宮家) built on near the 1770 in Namyangju. It has been called Gungjip since it was constructed from the timber and by carpenters sent of the government. It has a great scientic value because it is the best house constructed by carpenters of the royal palace. It help to know prototype of their excellent design skill. that is skill of work upon of colum, curvatere of ridge in roof, trust the eaves. This paper shows that this house has a different scale and form from other houses. In addition, Anchae was built with the aim of making the most use of sunlight and securing its best convenience. Sarangchae aims at serving as a cultural space for its neighbor. The house seems to reflect the carpenter' architectural viewpoints, and its building style shows its contempory people's life style. In conclusion, we can say that the techenial charateristics of its design result from the correlectin of colum(Ki-Sot-Um and An-Sol-Lim), curvatere of ridge in roof(Ma-Ru-Gock), and trust the eaves(Ang-Goak and An-Hu-Ri).


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법 및 내용
 2. 가옥의 연혁 및 현황
  2.1 연혁
  2.2 주변 환경 및 입지현황
 3. 공간계획
  3.1 배치계획
  3.2 영역별 공간계획
 4. 의장특성
  4.1 기둥의 귀솟음과 안솔림
  4.2 지붕의 마루곡
  4.3 처마의 앙곡. 안 허리곡
 5. 결론


  • 조중근 Cho, Jung-Geon. 정회원, 영동대학교 건축공학과 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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