


아지노모토의 신문광고와 미각의 근대화 - 한일근대미각의 대중화 -


The Newspaper Advertisement of Ajinomoto and Modernization of the Taste - the Popularization of the Korean and Japanese Modern Taste -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



While the pepper brought into Europe in medieval times played key role in making a difference between ruling circles and subjugated class, a Ajinomoto invented in Japan homogenized the traditional taste. As most households came to use Ajinomoto invented in modern times, the unique and differentiated taste which every household has got to disappear. One of the characteristics of modern times is to change differentiated taste into homogenized taste. In the Korean-Japanese modern times, which favors what is scientific and rational, what is variable and irrational should be controlled. This process appears in the process of introducing Ajinomoto into culture of dietary life. Ajinomoto has been popularized, being advertised and sold through the newspaper advertisements since its invention by Dr. Ikeda. The strategic propaganda of Ajinomoto is modern and premodern as well as economical efficiency and scientific property. In the advertising in Japan, the scientific property was mainly advertised. While advertising Ajinomoto in the light of scientific property in Japan, Ajinomoto was advertised as a magic power, making every food delicious in Korea. At first, popular restaurants used this seasoning agents and households came to use this ones, ultimately affecting the taste of Kimchi, the most traditional food in Korea. Ajinomoto is popularized through newspaper advertisement and it came to be necessity in the Korean-Japanese modern dining table. Thus the Korean-Japanese modern dining table came to be homogenized dining table using Ajinomoto.




I. 머리말
 II. 일본 메이지기의 신문광고와 아지노모토
  1. 신문과 신문광고의 발생
  2. 신문광고를 통해 본 아지노모토
 III. 일제강점기 조선에 들어온 아지노모도와 미각의 근대화
  1. 신문과 광고
  2. 아지노모토의 광고
 IV. 맺음말


  • 안영희 영남대학교 강사, 일본근대문학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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