


타자에 대한 시선과 동아시아 인식 - 시라토리와 나이토의 언설을 중심으로 -


A Point of View on Other Beings and Perception on East Asia ― Centering on Opinions of Shiratori and Naito ―


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Identity is mostly confirmed and established by a strong impact and a viewpoint on other beings instead of inner perception. As a result, it is unveiled as confused or firm identity. In the late 19th century, East Asia went through confusion in identity and experienced shambles in self-perception. It was impossible to establish a firm perception on other beings. In addition, Japanese modern intellectuals, particularly modern Asian history scholars in Japan, aimed to set a new perception on other beings. As a result, Tokyo University and Kyoto University that represented the Japanese academic circles established a new modern history (Asian history) centering on Japan. Representative scholars included Shiratori Kurakichi (1865-1942) and Naito Konan (1866-1934), respectively, from Tokyo University and Kyoto University. After all, Shiratori and Naito attempted to dismantle and reconstruct the Chinese culture with a viewpoint of ‘culture’. Shiratori adopted a comparative linguistic method, and Naito adopted a cultural historic method to dismantle the Chinese culture. However, Shiratori’s linguistic cultural view on East Asia and Naito’s cultural historic theories on China are reminded of anti-rationalism or anti-metaphysical presumption by Nietzsche(1844-1900), a German philosopher.




I. 머리말
 II. 근대의 일그러진 동아시아 視點
  1. 시라토리의 自他認識의 視點
  2. 나이토의 自他認識의 視點
 III. 두 동양사학자의 동아시아 인식
  1. 시라토리의 언어문화학적 동아시아관
  2. 나이토의 문화사적 중국론
 IV. 맺음말


  • 신현승 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 HK연구교수, 동아시아 사상문화


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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