

심포지엄 특집논문

韓日 兩國의 漢字政策에 대한 理解와 問題點 - 漢字混用論의 立場에서 -


Understanding Policies on Chinese Characters in Korea and Japan and Some Problems in Korea ― Supporting Mixed-script Korean Text ―

한일 양국의 한자정책에 대한 이해와 문제점 - 한자혼용론의 입장에서 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Chinese characters currently in use in Japan play an indispensable role. By contrast, hanja use appears to be in decline in Korea and the general use of Hanja has rapidly been abandoned. This essay discusses how differently Chinese characters have been the vehicle through which the Chinese lexicon became a large part of vocabulary of Korean and Japanese languages and how the difference in policies on Chinese characters between the two countries has caused some problems in Korea. Problems of causing various and serious confusion by distorting and transforming in use of the Korean Language, as shown in an example of the confusion between 「Sechuk」 and 「Sejung」, can be said to originate from three reasons: ①Korean policy on formal hanja education, which abandons teaching Chinese characters in schools, ②An increasing number of young generations in Korea who do not have an opportunity to be exposed to the necessary Chinese characters, by whom many of Japanese substituted Kanji are adopted and pronounced in Korean, ③Lack of formal Hanja education in the normal language education courses in Korea, resulting in incogitant borrowing of Japanese substituted Kanji. In conclusion, this essay tries to present some useful action plans for ensuring correct use of language which will lead us to get out of the distorted application of Japanese Kanji in Korea.


日本語の表記において、漢字は欠かすことのできない、非常に効用性の高い存在である。これに引き替え韓国語の場合、その存在価値と 效用性は日本語に比べて低い方である。本稿では、まず韓日両国語における漢字の位相について調べた後、両国の漢字使用に関する政策の違いと、これによって生じる問題点を指摘している。「洗滌(Sechuk)→洗淨(Sejung)」のように、韓国人自ら歪曲,変質した単語を間違って使うことにより、言語生活に甚だしい混乱を招く問題点は、①漢字教育を度外視する韓国のハングル専用政策, ②日本の「同音の漢字による書き換え」された漢字をそのまま韓国の漢字音として取り入れるハングル世代の増加, ③代用漢字についての漢字教育の不在から生じたことである。 筆者は本稿を通して、韓国語が歪曲ㆍ変質しつつある深刻な現実を直視し、これを正して正常な言語生活を営むことができるよう、漢字混用論の立場から漢字教育の强化とその実行方策を提示している。


I . 머리말
 II. 兩國語에서의 漢字의位相
  1. 日本語에서의 漢字의 位相
  2. 韓國語에서의 漢字의 位相
 III. 兩國의 漢字政策
  1. 日本의 漢字政策
  2. 韓國의 漢字政策
 IV. 政策의 差異에서 오는 問題點
 V. 맺음말


  • 李于錫 이우석. 영산대학교 교수, 일본어학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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