

"The Five Senses” is the keyword for success : Emotional Marketing Use case of STARBUCKS




Starbucks may be considered as a company selling coffee. However, it is actually a large enterprise with approximately 250 stores nationwide that the national coffee industry has never imagined. Such success that Starbucks has made in Korea is based on the fact that it sells not only coffee but also services regarding coffee. Settled in Korea as a new coffee brand, Starbucks has formed 'take-out coffee culture' and 'emotion marketing' is considered as the driving force to expand the culture. That is, the era that strong points of a product itself are sales strategies has gone, music, scent and image affect customers' emotion and consumers choose brands that
match their emotional codes. In particular, Starbucks, aiming creation of overall experiences for customers, offers emotional experiences to feel joyful and familiar atmosphere having coffee, not just provides coffee. Through this study, directions to move forward can be found with overall understanding and cases of emotion marketing.


 I. Introduction
  Chapter 1. Marketing paradigm shift
 II. Main discourse
  Chapter 2. Theoretical considerations
   1) The concept of Emotional Marketing
   2) The characteristics of Emotional Marketing
   3) Five Senses Branding
   4) Olfactory sense – Scent marketing
  Chapter 3. Case study: focusing on Starbucks
   1) Company introduction
   2) Five senses branding strategy
 III. Conclusion
  Chapter 4. Review and Conclusion
 Ⅳ. References


  • An Jeong Hwa School of Computer Software and Media Technology, Sangmyung University


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