

Building a Knowledge Brokering System using Social Network Analysis



The importance of knowledge is increasing in our global and knowledge-based society. As a part of knowledge management, successful knowledge transfer can improve an organization’s competitive advantages and increase an organization’s valuable knowledge assets. However,
knowledge transfer is complex and a lot of factors exist that affect successful knowledge transfer such as context, social networks, and IT/IS. This paper focusses on the role of the knowledge broker which is a link between knowledge seekers and knowledge experts. In this context, this
research involved implementing a Knowledge Brokering System, called a K-broker system, as a prototype system to improve knowledge transfer in an organization based on an analysis of users’ social network. The K-broker system can provide a ‘single view’ screen for identifying knowledge experts and has no bottlenecks in contrast with a human knowledge broker. Furthermore, it can provide a permanent communication channel between knowledge seekers and knowledge experts.


 Related Works
  Tacit knowledge
  Knowledge transfer factors
  Knowledge broker
  Social Network Analysis
 Knowledge Brokering System (K-broker)
  Flows of a Knowledge Brokering System
  Architecture of a Knowledge Brokering System
  Subsystems of KBS
 Conclusion and further works


  • Youngjoon Jun Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute
  • Euiho Suh Pohang University of Science & Technology POSMIT Lab, Industrial & Management Engineering Building, Pohang University of Science & Technology
  • Sungjin Kim Pohang University of Science & Technology POSMIT Lab, Industrial & Management Engineering Building, Pohang University of Science & Technology


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