

The Mediating Role of “Trust” in Mobile Banking Success: An Empirical Study




Mobile banking has been considered to be one of the most value-added and important mobile services currently available. Considering the fact that the penetration of this technology is undefined well, particularly in developing country, this study clarified the role of trust as a mediating variable in mobile banking environment. An empirical study was undertaken in Indonesia and the data of 100 respondents were collected. The empirical results provided
strong evidence for the explanatory power of our research model. Firstly, we found that the trust mediated the effects of information quality to perceived usefulness and end-user satisfaction. Second, the both relationships of system quality and perceived usefulness and system quality and end-user satisfaction were partially mediated by trust. Third, trust also showed a direct effect on both end-user satisfaction and perceived usefulness. Lastly, the result provided support of the positive relationship between perceived usefulness and end-user satisfaction. Implication
for both practice and further research were also discussed.


  Mobile Banking in Indonesia
  Conceptualizing Trust
  Information System Success
 Research Model and Hypotheses
 Research Methodology
  Data Collection
 Analysis and Results
  Validity and Reliability
  Structural Model and Hypotheses Testing
  Implications for further research
  Implications for practice


  • Yulia Wati College of Business Chosun University, South Korea
  • Chulmo Koo College of Business Chosun University, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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