

스페로이드 조합자극치료 적용 후 만성요통의 통증 감소 효과


Effects of Spheroid 9000NS on Alleviation of Chronic Low Back Pain

김구, 임명재

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of the present study is to evaluate effects of Spheroid 9000NS applied to 10 elderly patients with Chronic Low Back Pain. The effects were measured and analyzed by means of MPQWL, VRS, VAS-I and VAS-U after 4, 8 and 12 weeks, respectively, during the 12-week application of the Spheroid 9000NS. From the findings of the measurement and analysis, following conclusion could be drawn: Significant reductions in MPQWL were confirmed at each period of measurement since the use of Spheroid 9000NS(p<.001). Significant reductions were also revealed in VRS at each period of the measurement(p<.001). Significant reductions were also revealed in VAS-I at each period of the measurement(p<.001). The same reductions were found as well in VAS-U 4, 8 and 12 weeks after the application of the Spheroid 9000NS(p<.001). In sum, it may be concluded from the outcomes that the use of Spheroid 9000NS may help reduce drastically Chronic Low Back Pain, mostly effective to remove them speedily and safely. Patients, rehabilitation therapists and health experts are, therefore, recommended to employ the products as safe and effective means to control pains. Continued researches and experiments should further be conducted to collect more data from the larger population of patients with particular diseases in clinical situation, though.


  1. 연구대상
  2. 연구방법
  1. 연구대상자의 신체적 특성
  2. 조합자극치료 적용 후 MPQWL의 변화
  3. 조합자극치료 적용 후 VRS의 변화
  4. 조합자극치료 적용 후 VAS-I의 변화
  5. 조합자극치료 적용 후 VAS-U의 변화


  • 김구 Kim, Ku. 원광대학교
  • 임명재 Lim, Myoung-Jae. 원광대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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