

포스터 발표 : 화장품

Sun Protection by Absorption of Red Algae, Porphyra Tenera



Mycosporine-like amino acids(MAAs), particularly many exist in Marine plant, are known to indicate high UV absorbance ability because of its characteristic structures. Phorphyra-334, a representative material of MAAs, absorbs most amount of UV at 334nm wavelength. And other
MAAs materials also absorb UV in UV-A range. That is why MAAs are expected as natural materials for functional cosmetics and UV screening. This study shows that Porphyra tenera of red algae having high amount of MAAs can be used in sunscreen. First, extracts are optimized through various extract methods, purification and separation. These are measured by UV-vis spectrometer. This experiment can be established the extract concentration and effect. Then, sunscreen made from Porphyra tenera extract is compared with Homosalate sunscreen. Its SPF value is measured by SPF Analyzer. With this, Porphyra tenera's UV screening effect is verificated in-vitro.


  • Chung-Hyun LEE Cosmetic Science Major, Applied Biotechnology Program, Ajou University, Suwon City, Korea.
  • Sang-Yo BYUN Cosmetic Science Major, Applied Biotechnology Program, Ajou University, Suwon City, Korea.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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