

포스터 발표 : 동물 및 식물세포공학

High-level Expression of Soluble Tobacco Etch Virus Protease in Rice Cell Suspension Culture



Affinity tags have become indispensable tools for protein expression and purification, and tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease emerge as a useful reagent with wide application in the cleavage of recombinant fusion proteins. Upon expression of TEV protease in Escherichia coli expression system, a recombinant protein was produced that exhibited proteolytic activity toward EGFP-hTNF-a (fusion protein expressed in E. coli) in vitro. In order to high-level expression in plant, TEV protease was fully codon-optimized based on Oryza sativa codon usage with mutations that resist autoproteolytic inactivation and improve the solubility. The resulting
shTEV was subcloned into the plant expression vector and then introduced into rice callus via particle bombardment-mediated transformation. Fourteen transgenic lines were obtained and the transgene insertion was confirmed by genomic DNA PCR. shTEV protease mRNA and protein
expression in transgenic rice suspension cells during sugar starvation under the control of RAmy3D promoter were confirmed by Northern and SDS-PAGE analyses (This Study was supported by Technology Development Program for Agriculture and Forestry of MIFAFF).


  • Eun-Jin CHOI Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.
  • Yun Ji SHIN Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.
  • Hyo Boon KIM Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.
  • Ju KIM Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.
  • Hong Soo DOO Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.
  • Kang Yeol YU Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.
  • Tae Ho KWON Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360, KOREA.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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