To determine the biological activity of Ecklonia cava, antioxidant activity, alcohol metabolizing activity, nitrite scavenging ability, and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and α-glucosidase inhibitory effects of hot water extracts from Ecklonia cava (WEC) was performed in this research. Nitrite scavenging ability of WEC showed 97.9% at 1 ㎎/㎖ and pH 1.2. Also, α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of WEC indicated 85.5% at 5 ㎎/㎖. The influence of WEC on alcohol metabolism was demonstrated through the generating activities of reduced-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) by alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). In the result, th facilitating rates of ADH activity by WEC was 167.2% at 10 mg/ml. DPPH radical scavenging activity and SOD(superoxide dismutase)-like activity of WEC remarkably was increased in a dose-dependent manner and was 91.4% and 94.6% at 10 mg/ml, respectively. Also, the elastase and tyrosinase inhibitory activities of WEC were determined 72.0% and 57.6% at 10 mg/ml, respectively. Xanthine
oxidase inhibitory activity of WEC was very high and was 94.9% at 2 ㎎/㎖. These results indicated that Ecklonia cava has the valuable biological activities owing to their ADH facilitating activity, nitrite scavenging ability, antioxidant activity, and α-glucosidase, xanthine oxidase, elastase, and tyrosinase inhibitory effects.