

학생 구두 발표 (박사 구두 발표) - 좌장 : 이상현(건국대), 정귀택(부경대)

Construction of a N ovel EGF-like Growth Factor by U sing N -terminal Region of Bombyx mori Paralytic Peptide



Bombyx mori paralytic peptide (BmPP) is a multifunctional insect cytokine. BmPP consists of 23 amino acid residues including a core region that shows a structural similarity to the C-terminal β-loop domain of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF). Even though BmPP lacks the N-terminal subdomain of hEGF which is indispensable for binding EGF receptor (EGFR), BmPP showed human cell growthpromoting activity like hEGF. On the basis of this finding, a novel EGF-like growth factor was constructed by combining the N-terminal disordered region of BmPP and the C-terminal β-loop domain of hEGF. The constructed chimeric peptide consisting of 27 amino acid residues was designated "PEChimera". PEChimera increased the phosphorylated level of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and also possessed human cell growth-promoting activity with a potency equivalent to those of hEGF and BmPP.


  • Min Suk KANG School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea.
  • Eun Hae OH School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea.
  • Tai Hyun PARK School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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