

Special Symposium for Prof. Seungkoo Song's Retirement - 좌장: 이선구(부산대), 이희찬(선문대)

A Process Development for Total Nitrogen Treatment in Sewage and Wastewater Using Bioprocess Technique



Eutrophication of a closed water system, usually associated with an excess influx of nitrogen and phosphate from domestic and industrial discharge, results in severe adverse effects on the environment of the system. The demand for compliance with discharge regulations has yielded
many wastewater treatment plants that remove nitrogen compounds from wastewater using biological processes. Over the past several decades, biological nutrient removal processes have become a more widely-applied method to treat wastewater containing nitrogen and phosphorus, because these processes have economic advantages over chemical processes. In this study, we performed pilot-scale verification experiments to evaluate the performance of A2O4 and YPNR process concerning the removal of total nitrogen components in wastewater. These processes harness several mechanistic elements of the nitrogen cycle: In the aerobic stages, nitrifiers
oxidize ammonia and organic nitrogen (include amines) to nitrite and nitrate; in the subsequent anaerobic stages, denitrifiers convert the nitrate to N2gas.


  • Don-Hee PARK School of Biological Sciences and Technology, Interdisciplinary Program of Graduate School for Bioenergy & Biomaterials, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 500-757.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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