

Tissue Engineering and Stem Cells Symposium - 좌장 : 김병수(서울대)

Bioengineered Pancreatic Islet Transplantation for Hunting Diabetes



Insulin-secreting pancreatic islet transplantation is one of the most promising strategies for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, but they must be eliminated by host’s immune graft rejection. To protect transplanted islets in host, bioengineered pancreatic islets are being
developed. To this end, surface modification with biocompatible polymer and cellular reconstruction technology are introduced. Here PEG-based chemical immunoprotection can provide an effective therapy that protects transplanted islets at least for one year when CsA was administered. Also, when the structure of pancreatic islets was reconstructed with bio-MEMS technology, the immunity of them was attenuated without any modification or treatment of any agent. Finally, these bioengineered pancreatic islets could cure the hyperglycemia in diabetic animals. Therefore, these technologies could strongly support the successful pancreatic islet transplantation for hunting diabetes mellitus.


  • Dong Yun LEE Dept. of Bioengineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791.


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