

Marine Bioenergy Symposium : 공동개최 : 바이오트론 - 좌장 : 이재화(신라대)

Application of Acidic Ionic Liquids for the Effective Agar Depolymerization Catalysts



Various factors affecting yields of Gal, AG, and 5-HMF formationduring saccharification were investigated using agar as a substrate in the presence of several bisulfate-based acidic ionic liquids as catalysts. The result was compared with employing sulfuric acid in saccharification from the viewpoint of sugar yields and 5-HMF formation. [Bmim][HSO4], [Hmim][HSO4], [Morph][HSO4], [Bu4N][HSO4], [Bu4P][HSO4], [Chol][HSO4] showed moderate to high yields of Gal and AG with a remarkable decrease in 5-HMF formation compared with sulfuric acid.
Among them, [Chol][HSO4] ionic liquid was found to exhibit the highest yield of sugars with an acceptable concentration of 5-HMF that does not inhibit the fermentation process.


  • Yong Jin KIM KITECH.
  • Churl KIM C-Tri.
  • Hyun Jin RYU Dankook University.
  • Young Mi JOO KITECH.
  • Jeong-Jun YOON KITECH.
  • Sang Hyoun KIM Daegu University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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