

CO2 Conversion by Biotechnology Symposium : 공동개최 : CDRS (이산화탄소저감 및 처리기술개발사업단) - 좌장 : 이진석(한국에너지연구원), 심상준(성균관대)

Carbon Dioxide Capture from Flue Gas Using Enzymes



This study focuses on the separation and storage of the global warming greenhouse gas, CO2, and the use of enzymes in development of technologies to provide new methods for CO2 capture. Carbonic anhydrase has recently been used as a biocatalyst to sequester CO2 through the conversion of CO2 to HCO3- in the mineralization of CaCO3. In this study, we compared soluble protein of HDS (hemocyte from diseased shell) and EPF (extrapallial fluid) extracted from crassostrea gigas with BCA (bovine carbonic anhydrase) in terms of their ability to promote CO2 hydration and the production of calcium precipitates. This study has confirmed that BCA, HDS and EPF activate remarkable CO2 hydration. In general, the suggested mechanism of CO2 hydration by carbonic anhydrase involves catalysis of CO2 hydration initiated by nucleophilic attack on the carbon atom of CO2 by zinc-bound OH- to produce bicarbonate, which is then displaced from zinc by water. BCA, HDS, and EPF have excellent activity in CO2 hydration
in aqueous systems. In Previous efforts to use CO2 mineralization as a method for CO2 sequestration, the slow rate of hydration of CO2 has been limiting factor of CO2 mineralization. A calcium precipitate was identified in experiments using either BCA or HSD. This result suggests that BCA and HDS may be involved not only in CO2 hydration but also in CO2 mineral carbonate conversion. The information gained from this study will contribute to research aimed at understanding and applying biomimetic approaches to CO2 capture and sequestration.


  • Soon Kwan JEONG Korea Institute of Energy Research.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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