In this paper we propose the LSB technique for secure data transfer. Secret information can be hidden inside all sorts of cover information: text, images, audio, video and more. Embedding secret messages in digital sound is usually a more difficult process. Varieties of techniques for embedding information in digital audio have been established. These are parity coding, phase coding, spread spectrum, echo hiding, LSB. Least significant bits (LSB) insertion is one of the simplest approaches to embedding information in audio file.
1. Introduction
2. Previous works
2.1 Parity coding
2.2 Phase Coding
2.3 Spread Spectrum
2.4 Echo Hiding
3. Proposed work and Analysis
4. Conclusion
1. Introduction
2. Previous works
2.1 Parity coding
2.2 Phase Coding
2.3 Spread Spectrum
2.4 Echo Hiding
3. Proposed work and Analysis
4. Conclusion
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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- 11Data Hiding in Audio Signal : A Reviewearticle 원문 이동