

1990년대 초 스웨덴의 금융위기 - 원인과 진행경과, 그리고 스웨덴 모델에 미친 영향 -


The Financial Crisis of Sweden in Early 1990s: Its Causes, Development and Impacts on the Swedish Model


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The financial crisis of Sweden in early 1990s was caused mainly by the policy mistakes of ‘the third way’ policy pursued by social democratic government in 1980s. The economic boom caused by the financial liberalization and the aggressive depreciation of the third way policy formed bubble economy in real estate sector. As the bubble burst out in early 1990s, the finance companies and banks which had given much loan to the real estate sector were caught in crisis, and the crisis spread out into whole economy. The bourgeois coalition governmen intervened promptly and wisely and thereby succeeded in rescuing the Swedish economy from the crisis soon. At the last stage of the financial crisis, the Swedish crown was caught in the currency speculation by the international financial capital. To solve the currency crisis, the Swedish government gave up the fixed exchange rate system and introduced the floating exchange rate
system. After transition into the floating exchange rate system, the Swedish government introduced the inflation targeting as the main principle for managing macro economy. And in 1998, the social democratic government amended the law concerning the legal state of the central bank. The new law enhanced the independency of the central bank and made it the sole task of the central bank to check inflation. And in late 1990s, the social democratic government
introduced new rule for budget process for checking budget increase. By these policy reforms, the transition into the monetarist macroeconomic policy regime was completed. And the industrial policies and labor market policies were much liberalized, but the universal welfare state based on high tax is still maintained. I would call the current state of the Swedish Model as ‘the monetarist social democratic model’. The sustainability of the new Swedish Model would be tested by the current global economic crisis.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 금융위기의 발생원인
 3. 금융위기의 진행과정과 정부의 조치
  3.1 은행위기(bank crisis)
  3.2 통화위기(currency crisis)
 4. 금융위기가 스웨덴 모델의 변모에 미친 영향
 5. 맺음말: ‘통화주의적 사민주의’ 시대의 도래?


  • 신정완 Jeongwan Shin. 성공회대학교 사회과학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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