

스웨덴의 이민 2세를 위한 모국어 교육


Teaching Mother Tongue to Immigrant Children in Sweden


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to introduce the language policy for immigrants in Sweden, focusing mainly on the system of bilingual teaching for immigrant children. The Swedish language policy for immigrants is twofold; one is to give all adult immigrants instruction in Swedish for 700 hours and the other is to give their children instruction in Swedish as well as in mother tongue in school classes. Such a policy was first schemed to promote intercommunications among immigrant family members at home and to help them maintain linguistic and cultural band with their home country. The policy motivated by the legislation for immigrants and minority people in 1975 was fundamentally based on the three principles; equality, cooperation and freedom of choice. In the beginning of school days most of lessons are instructed in children's mother tongue with
Swedish as second language. The classes consist entirely of immigrant children of the same nationality. Afterwards, in the compound classes with two teachers, one Swedish and one from an immigrant group. The share of teaching done in Swedish increases gradually as the grade
goes up. By grade six in elementary school it is possible to teach 50% of the lessons through the medium of the mother tongue and the rest 50% through the medium of Swedish. Besides, there are many kinds of auxiliary teaching available in both languages. The ultimate goal of the system is the maintenance of the immigrant children's own language and culture that are essential to ethnic identity, while trying to bring them to the same level of general knowledge, proficiency in Swedish and grasp of Swedish culture that Swedish children have. The Swedish model for immigrant policy is an integrative one aiming at a bilingual, bicultural life in Sweden. The bilingual instruction is proved to be effective in terms of language acquisition, accumulation of knowledge and sociopsychological aspects. This type of Swedish language policy for immigrants gives a good implication to Korean society, that has already entered a multiethnic and multicultural society.


1. 들어가기
 2. 배경
 3. 정부의 이민 정책 기조
 4. 이민자에게는 스웨덴어 교육, 이민 2세에게는 모국어 교육
  4.1 모국어 교육의 필요성과 문제점
  4.2 모국어 교육의 방법과 실태
  4.3 모국어 교육의 효과
 5. 맺는말


  • 변광수 Kwang-soo Pyun. 한국외국어대 스칸디나비아어과 명예교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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