

On the Potential of Limitation-oriented Malware Detection and Prevention Techniques on Mobile Phones



The malware threat for mobile phones is expected to increase with the functionality enhancement of mobile phones. This threat is exacerbated with the surge in population of smart phones instilled with stable Internet access which provides attractive targets for malware developers. Prior research on malware protection has focused on avoiding the negative impact of the functionality limitations of mobile phones to keep the performance cost within the limitations of mobile phones. Being different, this paper investigates the positive impact of these limitations on suppressing the development of mobile malware. We study the state-of-the-art mobile malware, as well as the progress of academic research and industrial effort against mobile malware. Our study shows that the functionality limitations of mobile phones should be considered as advantages as they have significant impact on shrinking the living space of mobile malware. From this perspective, we propose and analyze three potential limitation-oriented techniques for effective malware detection and prevention on mobile phones.


 1. Introduction
 2. State-of-the-Art Mobile Malware and Countermeasures
  2.1. State and Trends on Mobile Malware
  2.2. Academic Research against Mobile Malware
  2.3. Industrial Effort against Mobile Malware
 3. Potential Limitation-oriented Techniques for Effective MalwareDetection and Prevention on Mobile Phones
  3.1. Monitoring Power Consumption
  3.2. Increasing Platform Diversity
  3.3. Enforcing Hardware Sandbox
 4. Conclusion


  • Qiang Yan School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University
  • Robert H. Deng School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University
  • Yingjiu Li School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University
  • Tieyan Li Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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