


한국교회 봉사자의 심리ㆍ정서적 경험에 나타난 '착한아이 콤플렉스' 연구



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The role of a volunteer is very important for a church to accomplish its mission since most services can be performed by hands of volunteers. Concerning the life of these volunteers is one way for Korean churches to grow well. From birth to the present, one’s experience with parents as fosterers affects experiences of all relationship, and the image of God is formed based on their experiences of relationship. Good child complex by a family system theory is a mental mechanism that occurs when a self determines his role and performs it to be acknowledged in a system between a parent and a family. To conclude, volunteers􀁳good child complex makes them not able to live as a genuine self but obsessed by personas. The problem is that many volunteers are not aware of their being obsessed by personas as they perform services considering that serving is manifetation of faith by religious education received from a parent and a church. Volunteers􀁳 good child complex seems to be acting as a virtue in their lives at first
glace, however, it brings many difficulties since it makes people not to live their own lives that are individual and unique created by God and to live just as a role, and it makes people live a life of a person who tries to satisfy people around him without having true self-esteem in serving. To make volunteers realize and heal their good child complex, there should be meetings that can cure volunteers􀁳wounds from their lives. When a meeting is with a pastoral consultor and a pastor as a consultor, the effect of healing can be maximized. Developing healing programs can be a means. If these volunteers can live for the purpose of God􀁳s good creation by rebirth and individuation after healing, Korean churches will mature qualitatively, which will lead to quantitative growth as well for sure.


I. 들어가는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 교회봉사와 봉사자에 대한 성경적, 신학적 이해
  2. 가족체계이론으로 본 봉사자 이해
  3. 한국교회 봉사자에 대한 심리 정서적 이해
  4. 한국교회 봉사자의 '착한아이 콤플렉스'에 대한 논의
 III. 나가는 글


  • 원영재 숭실대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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