


복음서에 나타난 예수의 치유사역 이해



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This purpose of this study was to study the healing ministry of Jesus in the Gospels. Nearly one-fifth of the entire gospels is devoted to Jesus􀁳 healing ministry and discussions occasioned by it. The healing works of Jesus depicted in the Gospels were one component of his ministry as a
whole. The healing ministries took place in a wide variety of contexts and were related to an assortment of theological and practical issues. Matthew􀁳s Gospel contains the most examples of healing, with Mark and Luke close behind. The Gospel of John contains the fewest. Jesus
healed people almost everywhere he went. People were very attracted to him as a healer.
In this study, we knows the typical form of the healing ministry: a) the sickness or affliction is named or described, b) the sick person encounters Jesus, c) Jesus heals the person using word, touch, or technique, d) a cure occurs suddenly and visibly, and e) onlookers express
amazement and wonder. Healing was a basic part of early christian thought and experience as it had been the life of Jesus. Thus the continuation of healing in the church ministry can best be understood in its integral relation to the other fundamental ideas of Christianity. Finally, we has known in this study that the most important reason that Jesus healed was that he cared about people and suffered when they did.


I. 들어가는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 복음서와 예수의 치유사역
  2. 예수께서 치유하신 질병의 종류
  3. 예수님의 치유 동기
  4. 예수의 치유방법
  5. 예수의 치유사역의 신학적 의미
  6. 예수의 치유사역과 현대목회의 적용
 III. 나가는 글


  • 박창영 성결대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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