


엽산으로 유도된 신장장애 가토에서 정맥투여시 딜티아젬과 활성대사체인 데아세틸딜티아젬의 약물동태


Pharmacokinetics of Diltiazem and Deacetyldiltiazem after Intravenous Administration of Diltiazem in Rabbits with Folate-induced Renal Failure

최준식, 범진필

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Diltiazem inhibits calcium channels and leads to vascular smooth muscle relaxation and negative inotroic and chronotropic effects in the heart. Diltiazem (DTZ) is almost completely absorbed after oral administration, but its bioavailability is reduced because of considerable hepatic first-pass metabolism. The main metabolite of DTZ is deacetyldiltiazem. The purpose of this study was to report the pharmacokinetic changes of DTZ and its metabolite, deacetyldiltiazem (DAD) after intravenous administration of diltiazem to control rabbits and rabbits with mild and medium folate-induced renal failure (FIRRs). The area under the plasma concentration-time curves (AUC) of DTZ were significantly increased in mild and medium FIRRs. The metabolite ratio of the DAD to DTZ were significantly decreased in mild and medium FIRRs. The elimination rate constant and total body clearances (CLt) of DTZ were significantly decreased in mild and medium FIRRS. These findings suggest that the hepatic metabolism of diltiazem was inhibited and CLt and of DTZ were significantly decreased in mild and in rabbits with medium folate-induced renal failure.


  • 최준식 Jun Shik Choi
  • 범진필 Jin Pil Burm


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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