Hermeneutic understanding of Christ & Cu1ture (1951) and εthical reinterpretation of ‘Christ transforming cu1ture'
Even though in pluralistic situation that doesn ’ t allow a certain religion to evangelize one-sidedly with coercion in a society, the mission of ‘transforming cu1ture ’in the world is not optional for Christians and churches but is a kind of given imperative. How could they do such a mission in this pluralistic world without coercion to others or alienation from society? So it is requested that the concept of ‘transformation of cu1ture' have to be reinterpreted theologically to
reflect changing conditions in society. Recently the discussions on that issue are proceeding with a rethinking of H. R. Niebuhr’ s theology especially in concem with his concept of ‘ transforming cu1ture ’ in Christ & Cu/ture. There are scholars to criticize it for a tendency to be inc1ined to ‘ the Christendom ideology' which was abolished in modem world. Yet most of
those challenges have a reference just only to Christ & Culture which was published in 1951. For the more appropriate research of that we need to dig down in Niebuhr’ s theology with reference to other works. In fact for Niebuhr the concept of ‘transforming cu1ture' is related to the responsibility of responsible self who interprets every events and relations hermeneutically in this world according to the loyalty to God. The purpose of this research is to contribute to propose a public role of Korean Churches with a cultural communication strategy in pluralistic and multicultural society. From Niebuhr’ s theology, we could find out the real meaning of ‘transformation’ and grope for its possibility to be practiced in Korean society.
II. 《그리스도와 문화》(Christ & Culture)에 나타난 유형론과 ‘문화’ 개념 비판
1. 니버의 유형론과 문화변혁 모델
2. 니버의 유형론에 대한 비판
3. 다원주의적 경향과 문화의 자율성에 대한 문제 제기
III. ‘변혁’ 논리와 기독교국가(Christendom)의 이상에 대한 비판
1. ‘기독교국가' 의 이상과 니버의 변혁
2. 책임의 문제로서의 문화변혁
IV. 리처드 니버의 책임윤리와 ‘변혁’ 의 응답
1. "책임적 자아"와 책임윤리
2. "책임적 자아"와 변혁
3. 교회공동체의 책임과 변혁
V. 결론: 한국교회를 향한 제언