

자유 논문

儒彿仙 新福信仰에 기초한 除淡招福의 ‘福神學” 靑坡 金光植교수님의 ‘福의 神學’ 과의 대화


A Study on Kwangshik Kim’s Theology of Blessing

유불선 신복신앙에 기초한 제담초복의 ‘복신학” 청파 김광식교수님의 ‘복의 신학’ 과의 대화


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Prof. Kwangshik Kim’s “ Theology of Blessing" understands the salvation work of Jesus Christ on the earth as an expulsion of the demon: healing the sick in the mirac1e of “ two fishes and five breads." He interprets the main work of shamanism as an expulsion of the ghost by healing the sick and blessing the good. He combines the blessing ideas of Confucianism, Buddhism and Shamanism with the salvation doctrine of Christianity, typologically from the perspective of religion phenomenology. However, such an interpretation comes from the understanding that the salvation history of God is just a forgiveness of the human beings' desire to be emancipated from the universal sin. But, this is quasi a try to messianic justify the original and universal sin of the mankind. The theological and traditional theme of Christianity is the idea “ Immanuel" which is implied in the Theology of “ Creation of God," “ Reconciliation with the sinners in Christ," and “ Salvation History." In other word, the true benediction in Christianity is that Jesus came to set the men free from the suffering of the demon, hunger and power of the earthly world, and that he will
live with such men, forever, in the kingdom of God. However, the “Theology of Blessing" by Prof. Kwangshik Kim has overseen the covenant theology, which is a very important theological theme in the Old and New Testament. Certainly, God has made his promise to the mankind by saying, “1 will be your God, and you shall be my people" (Jer. 31 :31).


I. 기독교의 ‘구속’ 개념의 종교 - 문화적 해석이 가능한가?
 II. 예수님의 '대속사건' 을 '祝福' 과 '新福'으로 해석함
 III. 그리스도의 구속사건을 儒彿仙 ‘복개념’ 으로 환원한 해석
 IV. 복 받기 위한 전제로서의 기도와 稱義와 聖化
 V. '성령의 역사' 를 '기복 신앙' 으로 환원시킨 종교사회학적 분석
 VI. 결론을 대신히여 : 종교현상과 기독교 신학은 구분되어야 하지 않는가?


  • 김재진 Kim, Jae Jin. Dr. theol. 숭실대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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