

담론의 언표와 기술적 상상


énoncé of Discourse and technical ‘Einbilden’


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



énoncé of Discourse and technical ‘Einbilden’ Kim, Mookyu (Pukyong National University) This paper is an attempt to explain the issues related to the special characteristics that technical images possess by focusing on the studies of Rodowick. Unlike many other new media theorists, Rodowick argued that technical images carry out the function of expressing énoncé rather than repeating or reproducing meaning. He referenced writings of Foucault and Deleuze, who meticulously systematized the concept of énoncé. Foucault had argued that formalization of énoncé could occur in contemporary painting but Rodowick pushed the idea further and believed that it could also occur in image media such as movies, television, and digital media. This paper agrees with his opinion and aims to show that studies by theorists such as Benjamin and Flusser deal with similar content regarding these perceptions. However, there are still many remaining tasks. More detailed explanations must be forthcoming on whether or not contemporary painting and (post-) modern figural are of the same vein, and which systems of the image media allow the expression of énoncé. These theoretical considerations must be added in order for technical images to be understood as a medium that expresses new forms of language.




  • 김무규 Mookyu Kim. 부경대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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