

오규원 시 연구 : 메타시와 광고시를 중심으로


A Study on Oh Gyu-won's Poetry -Focusing on Meta-poems and Poems on Advertisement


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Study on Oh Gyu-won's Poetry -Focusing on Meta-poems and Poems on Advertisement Jeon, Hyung-Chul (Korea University) Oh Gyu-won succeeded one of the poetic thoughts in the history of modern Korean poetry, represented by destruction of form and challenge to subvert the existing world view. His poetry to negates and criticizes the world by implementing deviation and deconstruction as methodology. The core of Oh Gyu-won's poetry is the spirit of rebellion which questions and doubts the self and existence or order and relation within the world including them. Deconstructing the existing notion and searching for a new methodology, his poetry implicates the characteristics of meta-poetry. Through meta-poetic writing (meta-poems), he concentrates on the language in which the reference is excluded and thereby intends to express his own view on language. His meta-poems contain the evaluation on how the self separated from the object is looking at the object. At the point where this dual strategy and sociological imagination come together, other special feature of Oh's poems, poems on advertisement appear. By inducing peculiar ways of language construction stimulating psychology of purchasing and impulse of spending, he tries to twist the gap between language reality and reality itself. Based on the recognition of the world in which general discourse had collapsed and object existed only as a fragment, his poetry is an outcome of his aesthetic consciousness different from the existing aesthetics of sensibility. Oh Gyu-won's poetry has obtained its meaning in the history of Korean poetry in that it embodies ‘cold aesthetic consciousness’ of modern poetry.


1. 오규원 시의 위치
 2. 관념의 언어와 메타시
 3. 등기된 현실 언어와 광고시
 4. 현상과 환유체계
 5. 결론


  • 전형철 Hyung-Chul Jeon. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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