

한국어교육을 위한 피동사가 이루는 통사적 구성에 대한 일고찰 - ‘보이다’, ‘보여지다’의 코퍼스 분석을 중심으로 -


A Study on a syntactic construction of passive verbs for Korean education : focused on corpus analysis of “보이다” “보여지다”(be seen).

윤현애, 강현화

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Hyun-Ae Yun & Hyoun-Hwa Kang. 2010. A Study on a syntactic construction of passive verbs for Korean education : focused on corpus analysis of “보이다” “보여지다”(be seen). The Language and Culture 6-1: 183-203. This paper aims to seek the lists of passive construction as a pattern expression and how to teach these passive construction effectively : “보이다” “보여지다”(be seen). This paper was based on corpus analysis. First, we analyzed the syntactic constructions of two passive verbs. In this study, we considered a passive verb as a separate element, not as structural transformation of an active sentence. Second, we proposed an effective teaching contents of two types of passive verbs. We hope that this study will be used to build a part of Korean educational grammar.(Yonsei University)


 1. 서론
 2. 교재 분석 및 선행 연구
  2.1. 교재 분석
  2.2. 선행 연구
 3. 연구 방법
  3.1. 연구 대상
  3.2. 말뭉치 구성 및 분석
 4. ‘보이다’, ‘보여지다’의 형태·통사적 특성
  4.1. ‘보이다’ 피동 문형과 연어 정보
  4.2. 기존 교재의 ‘보이다’ 관련 문형의 재조명
  4.3. 추가될 ‘보이다’ 관련 문형
  4.4. ‘보여지다’ 피동사의 형태와 의미 관계
 5. 한국어교육에의 활용
 6. 결론


  • 윤현애 Hyun-Ae Yun. 연세대학교
  • 강현화 Hyoun-Hwa Kang. 연세대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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