

저염 굴비 제조 시 열풍건조 온도에 따른 화학적 특성 변화


Chemical Changes of Low Salt Gulbi (salted and dried yellow corvenia) during Hot-air Drying with Different Temperatures

곽현정, 은종방

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Gulbi, made of fresh yellow corvenia (Psendosciaena manchurica) that has been salted and dried, is one of the most popular traditional marine foods in Korea. The objective of this study was to develop a method to safely manufacture Gulbi with low levels of oxidation and contamination, by a hot air drying method. Changes in total acidity, pH, salt concentration, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) and volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) were measured during drying at 30, 35 and 40oC for 15 days in a hot air-dryer using a semi-dried method. Acidity increased with increasing drying time at all drying temperatures. The pH decreased gradually with increasing drying time. Salt concentration was increased as drying time increased at all drying temperatures due to moisture loss. The VBN increased as drying time increased for all drying temperatures. Data indicate that the drying at 35oC appears to have a significant sensory and physicochemical advantage in Gulbi products.


 재료 및 방법
  휘발성 염기 질소(VBN)
  TBARS(thiobarbituric acid reactive substance)
 결과 및 고찰
  산도 및 pH의 변화
  VBN 함량


  • 곽현정 Hyun-Jung Gwak. 전남대학교 식품공학과·농업과학기술연구소
  • 은종방 Jong-Bang Eun. 전남대학교 식품공학과·농업과학기술연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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