

Feeder-free에서 배양된 인간배아줄기세포의 직접분화유도 방법을 이용한 간엽줄기세포로의 분화



Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the multipotent capacity and this potential can be applied for obtaining valuable cell types which can use for cell therapy on various regenerative diseases. However, insufficient availability of cellular source is the major problem in cell therapy field using adult stem cell sources. Recently, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have been highlighted to overcome a limitation of adult cellular sources because they retain unlimited proliferation capacity and pluripotency. To use of hESCs in cell therapy, above all, animal pathogen free culture system and purification of a specific target cell population to avoid teratoma formation are required. In this study, we describe the differentiation of a mesenchymal stem cell-like cells population from feeder-free cultured hESCs(hESC-MSCs) using direct induction system. hESC-MSCs revealed characteristics similar to MSCs derived from bone marrow, and undifferentiated cell markers were extremely low in hESC-MSCs in RT- PCR, immunostaining and FACS analyses. Thus, this study proffer a basis of effective generation of specialized human mesenchymal stem cell types which can use for further clinical applications, from xenofree cultured hESCs using direct induction system.


 재료 및 방법
  Feeder-free 배양법을 이용한 인간배아줄기세포 배양
  미분화 인간배아줄기세포의 면역염색방법
  직접적인 유도 방법(Direct Induction)을 이용한 간엽줄기세포로의 분화와 분리된 간엽줄기세포의 배양
  간엽줄기세포로서의 특성 분석
  Feeder-free 배양법을 이용하여 배양된 인간배아줄기세포의특성분석
  Feeder-free 배양법으로 배양한 인간배아줄기세포를 직접적인 유도 방법(Direct Induction)을 이용하여 간엽줄기세포로의분화
  직접적인 유도 방법(Direct Induction)을 이용하여 분화한인간배아줄기세포 유래 간엽줄기세포의 특성 분석
  직접적인 유도 방법(Direct Induction)을 이용하여 분화한인간배아줄기세포 유래 간엽줄기세포의 이식 가능성 확인


  • 이민지 Min-Ji Lee. 차의과학대학 의생명과학대학원 줄기세포 연구실
  • ․이재호 Jae-Ho Lee. 2차바이오앤디오스텍
  • 김주미 Ju-Mi Kim. 2차바이오앤디오스텍
  • 신정민 Jeong-Min Shin. 2차바이오앤디오스텍
  • 박순정 Soon-Jung Park. 차의과학대학 의생명과학대학원 줄기세포 연구실
  • 정선화 Sun-Hwa Chung. 1차의과학대학 의생명과학대학원 줄기세포 연구실
  • 이경일 Kyung-Il Lee. 차의과학대학 의생명과학대학원 줄기세포 연구실
  • 채정일 Jung-Il Chae. 차의과학대학 의생명과학대학원 줄기세포 연구실
  • 정형민 Hyung-Min Chung. 차의과학대학 의생명과학대학원 줄기세포 연구실, 차바이오앤디오스텍


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