

Bus-tie application scheme of 154 kV class SFCLs in Korean power systems



This paper proposes the bus-tie application scheme of 154 kV SFCL (superconducting fault current limiter) in Korean power system. The reduced amount of fault current by SFCL is different by where the SFCL is installed. Therefore the inflow ratio of fault current (IRFC) is suggested to consider the effect of an SFCL’s location. The proposed scheme was applied to the Korean Power System of 2010, and fault currents were calculated and analyzed with this coefficient. Simulations show that the location with high IRFC is adequate to install SFCL but more consideration of other things is required to determine the location and capacity of SFCL.




  • Seung Ryul Lee 이승렬. 한국전기연구원
  • Jae-young Yoon 윤재영. 한국전기연구원
  • Jong-young Park 박종영. 한국전기연구원
  • Byongjun Lee 이병준. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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