

江戶中期의 여성 <旅>에 관한 一考察 - 俳諧師 쇼큐니(諸九尼)를 중심으로


Study of female <Tabi> in the middle part of Edo period - Focus on Haikaisi Shokyuni -

강호중기의 여성 <려>에 관한 일고찰 - 배해사 쇼큐니(제구니)를 중심으로


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the Edo period, from the 17th century to the 19th century, for about 260 years, Japanese people had to live under the feudal system of the Tokugawas. As there was no war in Japan in those times, the Chounin class throve, their living conditions got better, so various popular cultures became prosperous. Since Japan was a male-dominated society and females were hardly seen in their history, it can be said that the view of Japanese modern times, which, so far, has been researched using males as central figures, has therefore only been half completed. So, researching historical documents to find out Japanese females' interests, thoughts, activities and so on could be a way to understand a new side of Japanese modern society and Japanese females who made up half of the Japanese population. This research focuses especially on of various lives, and shows modern-times females' lives and ideologies as well as females who wrote travel books in such poor times. What did females in the Edo period see and experience in their travels, and how did they change after their travels and lived the rest of their lives? Life of Haikaisi Shokyuni and her book 󰡔Akikazenoki󰡕 is useful to solve these questions. She was born in Kyushu, left her home not to get over confucian ideas and lived a new life with Haikai. She also traveled in Oushou like Matuo Bashou who was a famous poet in Japan.


I. 들어가는 말
 II. 諸九尼의 삶
  1. 庄屋 의 여성 永松なみ
  2. 여성 俳譜師 諸九
  3. 諸九尼 와『奧の細道』
 III. 江戶시대 여성의 <旅>와 『秋風の記』에 묘사된 諸九尼의 <旅>
  1. 江戶시대의 여성 <旅>의 모습
  2.『秋風の記』에 묘사된 諸九尼의 <旅>
 IV. 끝맺는 말


  • 鄭英仁 정영인. 동아대학교 동북아국제전문대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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