


조선초기 한 관직자의 삶 - 『실록』을 통해 본 李之剛의 生涯와 官職活動


The Life of a Government Official in the Early Joseon Dynasty - A Glimpse of Lee Ji-gang(李之剛)'s life and his serving in government posts through {Sillok(實錄)}-

조선초기 한 관직자의 삶 - 『실록』을 통해 본 이지강의 생애와 관직활동


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis traces the life of Lee Ji-gang(李之剛), who served as a government official for about 40 years during the turbulent periods of late Goryeo and early Joseon. His life has been restructured here around the time he served the government based on collected related information. Particularly, it was confirmed that a record about some part of his life can be restored with the help of articles on {Sillok}. Lee Ji-gang's forebears were emerging aristocrats who had been born to a petty official and passed the civil service examination in the late Goryeo Dynasty. His father, Lee Jip(李集), exchanged academic views with Neo-Confucian scholars in the late Goryeo era and socialized with lots of people through poems. He had comprehensive knowledge particularly about {Seogyeong(書經)}, which led him to name his three sons including Lee Ji-gang after three virtues introduced in Hongbeomguju(洪範九疇). Although he himself chose to live a secluded life, he aggressively encouraged his three sons to enter government service, helping all of his sons pass the civil service examination. Lee Ji-gang succeeded his forefathers' field of study and entered government service in the late Goryeo Dynasty. He passed the civil service examination at the age of 20 in the eighth year of King Woo. Of those who passed the civil service examination in the same as Lee Ji-gang, Yu Ryang(柳亮), Han Sang-gyeong(韓尙敬), Lee Hoi(李薈), Woo Hong-bu(禹洪富), Lee Seung-jeok(李升啇), Choi Gwan(崔關), Jeong Tak(鄭擢), Jo Bak(趙璞), Gwon Gan(權幹) and Lee Jong-seon(李種善) stood out. When the Joseon Dynasty was established, Lee Ji-gang was appointed as a dynastic foundation merit subject called Gaeguk Wonjong Gongsin(開國原從功臣), but his serving as an aid to Lee Bang-won(李芳遠) incurred hatred from Jeong Do-jeon(鄭道傳). Lee Ji-gang passed the Jungsi(重試) examination at the age of 45 in the seventh year of King Taejong and thereafter his life as a government official was, by and large, smooth. He consecutively filled the following central government posts: right minister in the Ministry of Rites; Bodeok; left minister of personnel; Yemungwan councillor; Hanseong country magistrate; second minister in the Ministry of Taxation; second minister in Ministry of Punishments; minister of taxation; Uijeongbu Chamchan along with inspector-genera; and Junggundocheongje. In addition, while serving the positions of Sejajabubingaek and Dongjigyeongyeonsa at the same time, he delivered Confucian lectures in King Sejong's presence and had been to Ming(明) China as Hajeongbusa. Furthermore, he held the following provincial government posts: Suwonbusa; Pansaongjumoksa; governor of Chungcheongdo; governor of Gyeongsangdo; and governor of Pyeongando. He also wrote brilliant poems describing local sceneries and customs. In Gyeongsangdo and Pyeongando, many of poems he wrote while inspecting villages as a governor still exist. The lives of Lee Ji-gang's elder brother and young brother in government service were not smooth. They were exiled or arrested and punished. On the other hand, Lee Ji-gang, who was reserved and observant, led a successful life in government service, being elevated to the post of minister, having his death recorded in {Sillok}, and being granted posthumous name and title. Although the record of his death in {Sillok} says that he lived a life of integrity without getting involved in inappropriate business activities, it is presumed that he accumulated a great deal of wealth, because he held various high-ranking posts in succession. It is assumed that his life and his serving in government posts exerted influence on the growth of Gwangju Lee family(廣州李氏) that became the greatest family in the early Joseon Dynasty.


본 논문은 여말선초의 격변기에 40여년간 관직에 몸담았던 인물 李之剛에 대해 살핀 글이다. 그의 先代는 고려말기 향리가문에서 과거를 통해 성장한 신흥사족으로 20세 되던 우왕 8년에 과거에 급제하였다. 그의 同年 가운데에는 柳亮, 韓尙敬, 李薈, 禹洪富, 李升啇, 崔關, 鄭擢, 趙璞, 權幹, 李種善 등의 활약이 두드러진다. 이지강은 조선이 건국되면서 개국원종공신에 책봉되었으나, 이방원의 측근으로 활약하면서 정도전의 미움을 받기도 했다. 이지강은 태종 7년에 45세로 重試에 급제하였으며, 이후로는 대체로 평탄한 관직생활을 했다. 內職으로 禮曹 右參議, 輔德, 吏曹 左參議, 藝文館 提學, 漢城府尹, 戶曹參判, 刑曹參判, 戶曹判書, 議政府參贊 兼 大司憲, 中軍都摠制 등을 지냈는데, 世子左副賓客⋅同知經筵事 등을 겸하면서 書筵과 經筵을 통해 세종에게 進講하였으며, 賀正副使로 명나라에 다녀오기도 했다. 外職으로는 水原府使, 判尙州牧事, 충청도관찰사, 경상도관찰사, 평안도관찰사 등을 지냈으며, 탁월한 詩才를 발휘하여 지방의 풍속과 景觀을 담은 시를 남겼다. 경상도와 평안도의 여러 고을에는 관찰사 직책으로 고을을 巡察하면서 그가 지은 시가 많이 남아 있다. 이지강의 3형제 가운데 형과 아우는 관직생활이 순탄치 못하여 流配되거나 拿來되어 처벌받았다. 그러나 과묵한 성품을 지닌 이지강은 관직자로서 성공하여 재상의 반열에 까지 오르고 {실록}의 卒記에도 실렸으며 諡號도 하사받았다. 졸기에서 ‘천성이 청렴하여 산업을 다스리지 않았다’고 칭송받고 있으나, 고위 관직생활을 역임한 그에게는 상당한 정도의 부가 축적되어 있었을 것이다. 이와 같은 이지강의 생애와 관직활동은 이후 조선전기 當代 最高의 門閥로 성장한 廣州李氏의 가문 성장에도 영향을 미쳤을 것으로 추측된다.


 Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 家系와 生長
 Ⅲ. 出仕와 실무관직 생활
 Ⅳ. 고위관직 생활과 여유
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 임선빈 Yim, Seon-bin. 한국학중앙연구원 전임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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