Aplication oils for Skin Care
Aroma therapy is absorbing the volatile scented essential oils, which was extracted from various
flower, fruit, stem, leaf, root of a plant and promotes beauty of body and skin. The effects of
aroma therapy are mainly on the nerve sedative effect, excellence in beauty, purifying the
grounding, and smooth organic function. The most effective way in aroma therapy is inhalation.
Scent delivers the signal directly to limbic system through the olfactory nerves. Bathing method is most effective way to enjoy the aroma therapy at home. Enjoying the scent comes from the tub and taking bath relives the fatigue and softens the muscles and nerves.
Steam method is effective for promoting blood circulation, providing moisture, removing wastes, promoting metabolism, promoting sweating, and deep cleansing.
Compressing method shows consistent effect on the muscle pain, bruise, treatment of acute
and chronicle disease, which removes the fatigue and effective for the relief of pain, improvement of blood circulation, smooth the limp gland, and remove the congestion of blood.
Massage method can relieve the headache, pain of delivering women, stress, mental fatigue, physical pains and tension, also removes the wastes deriving from the metabolism, thus promotes the metabolism, statue of skin, circulation, limp drainage, flexibility of joint, relief of muscle. You must use the 3% essential oil diluted in carrier oil. Due to the essential is highly concentrated, imprudent use can be harmful.
It is not important to use in a statue of original oil, when using the method of bath, inhalation and ramp diffusion, though it must be diluted and used in and massage method.
Without understanding of essential oil, using aroma therapy can cause the side effect, before using it consult with the expertise. Aroma therapy is as the alternative medicine, it is very useful to our life, though the prior understanding of essential oil and aroma therapy need to be preceded. As the cure all does not exist in this world, imprudent and excessive
misuse can be harmful.
Ⅰ. 서론*
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 아로마테라피 정의
2. 아로마테라피 역사
3. 추출방법(Extraction Methods)
Ⅲ. 아로마테라피에 대한 고찰
1. 아로마 작용 원리
2. 아로마테라피 효과
3. 에센셜오일의 효과
4. 에센셜오일의 추출부위별 효능
5. 아로마 테라피의 이용방법
6. 에센셜오일의 종류
Ⅳ. 결론
1. 아로마테라피 주의사항
2. 아로마테라피 효능 측정