

English Depictive Secondary Predication: A Lexicalist Approach to Participant Orientation


Yoo, Eun-Jung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yoo, Eun-Jung. 2010. English Depictive Secondary Predication: A Lexicalist Approach to Participant Orientation. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 35-1, 183-208. The study of depictive secondary predicates has yielded diverse analyses with respect to the syntactic positions of the predicates as well as the account of predication relations in general. While most depictives are related with subject or object NPs of the matrix verb in their predication relations, a look at a wider range of data tells us that some prepositional objects and unrealized agent arguments of a passive verb can be also referred to as subjects of depictive predicates. Given the limitations of purely syntactic approaches to such data, this paper explores a lexicalist analysis of English depictives in which a depictive predicate is treated as an adjunct that takes as its subject one of the semantic arguments of the verb relation manifested by the modified verbal projection. By making reference to relevant verbal semantics in the CONTENT structure instead of syntactic valency information, the paper provides a way to explain the problematic data as well as other examples involving more than one adjunct. (Seoul National University)


 1. Introduction
 2. More on Possible Subjects of Depictives
  2.1. Complements of prepositions
  2.2. Agent arguments of passive verbs
 3. Previous Analyses of Depictives
  3.1. Structure-based approaches
  3.2 Complex-predicate approaches
  3.3. Valency-based approaches
 4. A Proposal
 5. Conclusion


  • Yoo, Eun-Jung Seoul National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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