

1920년대 괴산지역 문화계몽운동의 성격


The character of Goesan region culture and enlightenment movement in 1920s


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Goesan Young Man's Association was organized during the 1920's. This group was managed of educational activities for level intellectual level. Goesan region was formed many youth organizations. However, these groups did not last long. Goesan region, which is a limitation of movement. Goesan Young Man's Association has operating labor night school, Bosung institute giving, woman's night school after the March 1st Movement. It was for these students to study. Bosung institute was representative of Goesan region In 1920's. Students were aware of the colonial reality in Bosung institute giving. and this organization stir up National consciousness and racial consciousness. every kind exercise believed to facilitate attachment between member. and this acted as an incentive to local people. culture and enlightenment movement build up facilitate attachment and comprehensive faculty between local resident.complications of surrounding the movement-line reared up between early 1926's to lately 1927's. Movement led social stratum was landowner, journalist, instructor, pastor and man of substance. For that reason, this class take a negative attitude to tenancy dispute movement.


 Ⅰ. 실력양성론 확산과 교육열 고조
  1. 한말 괴산지역의 근대교육운동
  2. 민중의식 심화와 교육열 고조
  3. 청년·계몽단체 조직과 통합
  4. 문화계몽운동의 전개 양상과 성격


  • 김형목 Kim, Hyung-mog. 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 선임연구위원.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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